If you know the Truth about the Earth and Firmament, you know exactly what we are seeing as we have posted this for years.
Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,
1Co 11:8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
1Co 11:10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
Same as the days of Noah, the fallen angels are after the women, as the scripture says women are made for men, not angels.
Can you Keep context?

Reviewing about the 13th Month and I what was read in the stars last month was of any value, something whether an event or big news. I also stated it would only be believed to those with spiritual eyes.
In the time period of information that I thought could be linked to the serpent bearer month was:
Obiden Pardoning every criminal in washington, I didn’t think that too big a deal but it was the first thing that popped up on my radar. But I am also looking for anything so I don’t want to over react an attempt to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
The next big news and event combined was the drones. Yet what I noticed in this is was deception, I posted a video of a legit news station showing live footage that I know 100% to be a star. And other sources are showing “orbs” that again I know are really stars.
Now mixed into all these orb videos others have footages of what appears to be drones they even have flashing lights. Looking absolutely nothing like the orbs.
This I believe is a very big deal, cause it shows deception aka witchcraft is being used on a mass scale. The next big deal was Damascus falling. I know how many ways people use this prophecy but we aren’t living in Nebuchadnezzars time.
The signs given to us today are for us today. Damascus falling is a very big deal because now Turkey will rule bypoxy. This is all Biblical stuff my friends. I’ll not go into Gog and Magog, but this will involve the state of Israel.
But with all this, today I look at the charts again.
I believe a wise “healer” having higher intelligence, being half human that forms a connection between Earth and Heaven is on the way, Turkey, Syria and Iran maybe even the city of Isfahan make up the Fire Trigon, The element of Fire.
But at any rate this wise one/group will have the authority of a crown and will have much power over many men and even the beast, I believe involving pharmakeia.
We must be shield our minds and our bodies.