The word of Elohim is not the letters you see that make up the words, it is the message. This is hard to understand if it is a single word that we hang our entire knowledge on.
This is the awakening many of us talk about we read the same words as other believers but we read it in Spirit because this is a supernatural force we are calling to reveal spiritual mysteries to us.
So just reading words does not create understanding. This is gifted to us for submission to Elohims will and not that of flesh. Having the Ruach show us the message of the Most Highs word hidden in plain sight within the letters gathered by men.
For many even with years of study do not get the message of obedience.For these people stepping into the spirit world is something of movies and stories to entertain. Another successful deceit of HaSatan that keeps you doubting if he exist and doubting if a true Creator does either.
But we read the letters of the book as a back up, just in case. It is the little faith that we hang onto the letters of the word creating a livable doctrine that rejects a G-d that requires obedient worship for a false god that requires nothing but to be the best you, we can be. (saving ourselves)
The letters say the law was “fulfilled” for us, setting us free from a mean old GD. Yet the message says we are loved and we have the instructions to express that love back to the Father and our fellow man at the same time.
The Law is Love. Yahu’sha said: “If you love me, keep my Torah” (John 14:15)