Folks imagine the Creator as having no other Emotion than Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy and Love. And...
Because so many christians do not believe in demons and fallen angels. I am going to once...
Don’t have a desire for obedient worship, no desire to step outside your own will and accept...
Matthew (KJV)16 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew...
How did 1 woman and 1 man create all the races on Earth How did Cain go...
As many know I don’t believe in a Rapture today. And I am not going to brow...
Folks always talking about having a Guardian Angel, They’re Spiritual, When some close dies we get all...
The only thing we cross over to the other side with is our works and deeds, of...
No! I say do not bring them in. What is that folks want to be entertained by...
What we have today compared to the Hebrews that were Exodus from Egypt is Hindsight. We can...
Our Tongue is a source of power whether from Darkness or Light. There are no gray areas...
The word of Elohim is not the letters you see that make up the words, it is...
Paul the only author of Scripture Christians care about, it is their go to guy to avoid...
1 John 2:15-17 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you...
And God spake all these words, saying, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exod. 20:1-3...
For those without eyes to see. You avoided the mark in order to buy or sell, figured...
The Mark of the Beast is Spiritual not Physical. ” Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God...
John 3 And the ruler of Judea asking Our Master how one can be born of Spirit....
The Book of Revelation tells us who we are to be looking out for, everything before that...
What you are seeing here is worship to Ha’Satan. Notice what they’re covering? The Package AKA the...
I am the Vine, you are the netsarim (Branches) Grafting 1 Horticulture insert (a scion) as a...
The Flesh sees all these statues in America as what they love or hate, each one unique...
The Official Story of Halloween Worship!Man/Church removed books from our Bible in 1684 and the Bible reads...
The Narrow Path, Oh is it ever lonely. No one understands we can see 2 worlds one...
Spoon full of sugar and you can swallow just about anything. In 1964 the plans are in...