The Narrow Path, Oh is it ever lonely. No one understands we can see 2 worlds one...
Spoon full of sugar and you can swallow just about anything. In 1964 the plans are in...
Did that make you Laugh, remind you of childhood memories jumping out at your sister with a...
The Eyes are Blind when the Mind can’t See. The spiritual war around us is real, thats...
” I am not a Jew. I was not born a Jew. I am not trying to...
The Secret of the beginning the church keeps hidden from you. Welcome to this study of Genesis...
Recapping what we have already covered in verses 1-5. Elohim Created Heaven and Earth (In that Order)...
“Then Elohim said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens, and let them be...
What do you like about this god? That it was this transexual beast that committed the first...
Valentines Day is about Drunken bloody sex orgies, including children and sacrifice to False gods. Lupercalia, ancient...
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those...
Kabbalah, Yoga, Chakras, Spirit Guides, Fortune Telling, Harry Potter, Nasa, Orthodox Judaism, all Religions in all its...
“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards-...
“Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the...
1 John 2:15-17 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you...
Sunday morning worship installed by Constantine the Great and forced on the people. They have found a...
You were Tricked Once, you going to let it Happen again?!. There was an earth age before...
A Dying Atheist get Baptized. Don’t be fooled people it is not that easy, there has to be...
Halloween is coming the Highest Satanic Sabbath of the Year. (Yes, They have their sabbath as well)...
Halloween = Negative JudgmentThanksgiving = Negative JudgmentChristmas = Negative JudgmentNew Years = Negative JudgmentValentine = Negative JudgmentEaster...
Christian doctrine is to Chant that name over and over again. To them believing in Jesus is...
One does not live their entire life as their own god, doing their own will and when...
The Narrow Path, Oh is it ever lonely. No one understands we can see 2 worlds one...
The Bible doesn’t teach the Camp of Y’srael to coexist with the World it is told to...
Genesis 6 Tells of Angels taking human wives. And the Spirit of Elohim is not going to keep...