Hate is the hopeless rot, that can manifest into rage, which is an uncontrollable manifestation. No one should try to control hate, because at some point it does become uncontrollable; and it can never be disciplined.
It is desired more that it be cut out, or rooted out, whichever you prefer; remember the Word of Truth cuts out and away. Both out of us and away from us. The proper way to deal with hate is to uproot it from our spiritual heart, which is in the spirit of a man, where it chooses to embed itself.
There is a difference between disagreement and hate, and we need to understand we must live in peace with others ( separated but in peace), in as much as it is possible to do so.
There are many scriptures commanding and instructing us to be at peace with our neighbor, such as Galatians 5:14, Mark 9:50, 1 Thessalonians 5:13, Romans 12:16 etc .; but none of those scriptures that I am aware of, requires us to remove spiritual barriers, or cross over them to live in peace with someone.
We are the ones who have added the requirement to accept and even embrace something unscriptural or contrary to God’s Word to remain at peace; that my friend, is not in scripture.
Author: Patrick Thibodeaux