The following verse is saying that those of us who RELY on the Law (The Torah, the instructions) to SAVE us have removed ourselves from Messiah. We are saved by grace through faith! And then, because of our faith, we do all we can to keep the Law. GRACE through faith comes first, then by the Holy Spirit we have the strong desire to keep the Law.
Galatians 5:4 You who are declared right by the Law (Torah) have severed yourselves from Messiah, you have fallen from grace.
Galatians 3:10 says For as many as are of works of Torah are under the curse, for it has been written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all that has been written in the book of the Torah, to do them.”
This means that those of us who rely on the Law (Torah) TO BE SAVED are under the CURSE, which means we are under the CURSE when we try to be saved by keeping the Law! Again, grace comes first. but Yah’s gift of grace to us does not mean the Law has been done away with and that we don’t need to keep it!
Paul would never ever say we no longer have to keep the Law because of grace. He is trying to say that we keep the Law BECAUSE of our faith, because of Yah’s gift of grace to us.
So many people are taught in churches that the Law (The Torah, the Instructions) are “just for the Jews”. Where is that stated in the Bible? They are taught that we only have to keep the Ten Commandments and that we don’t have to keep the other Laws all throughout the first 5 books of the Bible (The Torah, the Instructions). Look at Ephesians 4:4-6 4 …ONE body and ONE Spirit, as you also were called in ONE expectation of your calling,
5 ONE Master, ONE FAITH, ONE immersion,
6 ONE Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
Once we understand that we become grafted into Israel (See Romans 11 about being grafted in) when we have belief in our Messiah and we receive the Holy Spirit and come into Covenant with Yah, we are no longer Gentiles. “Gentiles” means “of the nations”. We are no longer of the nations, we are part of Israel, Yah’s chosen! The “Jewish” people were from the tribe of Judah, and nicknamed “Jews”. There are 11 other tribes of Israel, and all 12 tribes are Israel. All 12 tribes were given the Torah, not just the tribe of Judah (Jews). One of the most important things I have realized is that we have to read the Old Testament in order to understand the New Testament, and to understand Paul even!
Once you understand this, everything falls right into place! HallaluYAH
Author: Valerie Schmidt